Articles in this series
You have 24 hours a day. Each hour is like an apple with 60 seeds inside. Throwing one seed away feels harmless. We do that without much care. But one...
Maybe all your precious time is going down the drain. “Is note-taking a waste of time?” asked a friend of mine whom I had recommended the idea to and...
And become the laser that penetrates through anything. We are told to be flexible, adaptable, and polite. We are expected to bend and stay within the...
I don’t come from much and didn’t have role models growing up. It was trial and error for most of my life. I didn’t get to spend much time with my...
How it brings clarity, organization, peace, and calmness to your file. The second brain is an idea popularized by Tiago Forte. The concept is...
And give yourself the treatment you deserve. How many times have you criticized yourself for the smallest things since waking up? I know, silly...